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Sunday 20 February 2011

scrambling for scrotwm on slitaz again

intro: it's been a while coming, fatigue n lethargy have been robbing me of the peef to get on with this, and having learned things are so much better when documented... i'm documenting this. what is "this"... slitaz & scrotwm, round 3. ... or 4 or 5... idk, it's hard to tell/remember. anyways, i now have learned more of the wonders and ways of "tazpkg convert", and am ready for another bout, and am far more confident than ever... certainly more confident when i was messing around with bsd compilers n stuff.


here goes, an attempt at getting scrotwm to work on slitaz. a "very sexy combo", as more people than just me, has said.

so first i find the deb file from packages.debian.at/squeeze/scrotwm.

it didnt like the 64bit, of course, silly me. lol.

so, i do:
wget http://ftp.ie.debian.org/debian/pool/main/s/scrotwm/scrotwm_0.9.20-1_i386.deb
in my virtual machine with a tester slitaz justx iso loaded.

then run:
tazpkg convert scrotwm_0.9.20-1_i386.deb

(and oh thankgoodness for tabkey autocompletion, so i dont have to type all those silly filenames out. ~ like i'm having to do for this blog entry, so excuse the errors. lol.)

and it says it managed it. (heh, and this is where i'd cross my fingers if i thought it would help, because it told me the same thing after i tried tazpkg convert on a arch-pacman of tmux... but it failed to run for more than the first frame before freezing.)
confirms that the file is indeed there...

ok, so now we just do:
tazpkg install scrotwm-0.9.20-1.tazpkg
no need for "get-install" like you would do if installing from the slitaz repository, because it's already been "got", and is sat right infront of you in your working directory.

ok so... it says that worked! great!

but now to find out if it did actually work...

well, before i go run it, i want to just check a few things,

if the system recognises it
whatis scrotwm
whereis scrotwm
and, oh woops. looks like whatis and whereis dont work in slitaz-justx.

if the config is there.
ls /etc
... and yup, scrotwm.conf is there.

so now to try it out.

er... now, lets see, there's no login manager in slitaz, so, it's probably loading the window manager (currently openbox of course) from a xinit type file somewhere... a-ha...
ls -a
run from the home directory reveals the likely suspect. ".xinitrc"
and it's a rather interesting and somewhat robust configuration they've opted for. i know i'm not really going to need any of this... so, i'm going to delete it all (saving the openbox line, and then commenting it out. ... and then of course, add a line for scrotwm.

~woops i just about choked on my saliva there... got a little excited.

ok, so i close openbox
killall openbox
thinking that was the easiest way to drop me back out to a command line or have x restart, n it would then load scrowm, with my newly forumlated .xinitrc.

no joy...
oh dear.

seems there is a login manager (i'm guessing it's slim)

and now it wont let me login. seems i've borked it.

pressing f1 in slim, lets me cycle through to see the choices... e17, openbox, and jwm. :/

had i known slim was there, i would have edited it's config instead of /as well as, the .xinitrc


... ...

... ... ...

i knew this was just a tester anyways. i had planned on testing it to the point of seeing that it actually works... but it is enough to know that it at least converts and installs.

so i might as well take my ass to the apropriate "prewitch" virtual machine, and run my wget, convert and install on it... and be more careful about editing the wm launcher this time.


... to be continued...


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