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... now, on with the rambling blog!

Sunday 8 May 2011

when the witch gets going, the fan stops blowing.

no, that title doesnt mean witch broke my laptop's fan. i did that. well, sort of. it was increasingly making weird noises... and i thought... it's just dusty, i'll skoosh some air in it and blow out the dust, and yes, some dust did come flying out, alsas, i dont think it was dust that caused it to be making noises... it seemed to be on the verge of mechanical failure... and rebooting after the skoosh of air, lead to "fan error", "beep beep", and it shuts down. so... with just 10 days left on my warranty... i've shipped it off to get mended. phew! timing! lucky i hastened it's demise, or that fan might have borked on it's own the day after the warranty expires.

so anyways....

what gets me is that this puts witch development on pause. :/

great progress was being made... and now... i sit twiddling my thumbs*. after several months of not much happening on the witch front, things had suddenly picked up again, and had just gotten to a scrotwm desktop on arch, with tilda n all the "rowan" selection of apps installed on a fresh arch, using my "witchcraft" script, which was getting bug zapped n refined at great pace... :(

part of me is thinking "why didnt i just leave that fan alone to make it's noises", and part of me is relieved that i managed to discover the seriousness of it's fault before the warranty ran out...

still... i just want a grumble.

it's actually been really good for a few other projects, where i've taken this productive energy i'm buzzing on at the mo, and made some more progress ... specifically, organising audio stuff and website stuff. (and some graphic design stuff for a client... but shshshsh, i dont want word to get out that i do graphic design stuff... it's a bit soul destroying)

well... this feels like the most pointless blog post i've made yet. ^_^ but with my warning just under the title, i feel i've given my self license to have pointless rambles like this. ;D

*not really, i'm still busy as fuck with the dozen other projects i have on the go.

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